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Catawba Valley Wood Carvers Club Meeting Sept. 21
Club consists of about 40 Hickory-area woodcarvers of all skill levels

HICKORY, N.C. - The Catawba Valley Wood Carvers Club’s meeting will be Saturday September 21, from 1-3 p.m., at the Klingspor Woodworking Shop at 856 21st Dr SE (Sweetwater Rd.) Hickory.
For September’s project we will be carving a double-sided shelf sitter or ornament as it was described in the Fall 2018 issue of WCI by Carolea Hower. This holiday project has Santa on one side and a Pilgrim on the other.
Also available are design patterns for Mrs. Claus and Mrs. Pilgrim.
Members are also reminded that the Klingspor tent will again be at the 40th Murry’s Mill Folk Festival, September 28 – 29. Please make table reservations with Alvin. Bring your tools and finished carvings and set up inside the tent. There will be electracy available!
Also, this year’s 21st ANNUAL Competition and Show theme will be “Sea Life”. The October Competition and Show is October 25 and 26 in conjunction with Klingspor’s 24th Extravaganza. Everything you need to know about entering the Competition and Show can be found on our “NEW” website https://www.woodworkingshop.com/cvwc
SHOW RAFFLE ITEMS NEEDED we are collecting the donations for this year’s Show Raffle. Please be looking around your home or shop for items for the Show RAFFLE. REMINDER, we could not afford to do the show without the raffle income! PLEASE bring your items to the September meeting.
The annual selection of recipient for the Mel Moose Award will be held at the September 21 meeting with award at the October 19 meeting. Please be aware and ready to nominate someone worthy. The last three recipients are ineligible: Billy Boston, Dean Wright, and Mike Bennett
The club officers’ elections nominations will be at the October 19 meeting, with elections at the November 16 meeting. The new officers will make committee chair selections at the January 18, 2025 meeting
Meetings are open to the public and to anyone interested in wood carving. Youth’s (under 18) must be accompted by an adult, minimum age is 14. The meeting will follow COVID protocols, and members and guests are encouraged to wear masks.
Members are invited to bring any woodcarving tool that they don’t currently use, and donate them to the,” Visitor Loaner Took Kit”. A project that will loan a carving knife to a meeting visitor.
Members are encouraged to bring in your finished carvings for Show-n-Tell.
The club consists of about 40 Hickory-area woodcarvers of all skill levels, from hobbyist to professionals. The club meets on the Third Saturday of each month at the Klingspor's Woodworking Shop.
The club is also on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/catawba.woodcarvers/