- Sunday, 16 February 2025
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Wonderful Technology
Written October 8, 2024

Being born in 1942...
Before cell phones...
Before computers...
Before internet...
Before Television...
Before car phones...
Before passwords...
Well forks there are...
Are many problems for us...
They call it technology...
That may or may not be...
Not be what we old folks...
Old folks call it...
I will not go there...
They write down those passwords...
Darn passwords...
Some folks keep them in books...
Books they keep put up...
Put up for safe keeping...
And then can't find them...
When they are needed...
In 2024 many of these folks have...
Have cell phones, computers, etc...
They have the money to buy technology...
They have the desire...
They have the need...
What they do not have...
Do not have is the experience or...
Or the knowledge to use...
Use all this wonderful technology...
We ask others for help...
We loose our tempers...
We get mad at ourselves...
But if we are smart...
And we are smart...
We tell ourselves this truth...
All these folks that know so much today...
They too will get older...
Someday they too will have to deal...
Deal with their new technology...
Technology that is being invented...
Invented to drive them crazy...
Their new technology...
Funny thing about life...
Life just keeps reinventing itself...
Over and over...
When the technology of 2024 is old...
It will be replaced by technology of 2064.
Today's 20-year-old will be 60...
Wonder if they will remember us...
---More About Judge Rembert: WWII made Judge an only child when her half-brother was killed in the war. She lived in a tiny town in South Carolina until she was eight and her Mother went to work. She was sent to a boarding school in Belmont, N.C. From that time on she has lived back and forth in the two Carolinas. They are both home. She was born dyslexic and did not know what the problem was or that it had a name until she was about 45. She was unable to spell so she never put words on paper until she was 65 and had a computer with spell check. She comes from a long line of story tellers and a Mother that taught her much by telling stories. Stories about people and how they faced life and how they dealt with problems. If you read what she writes you may hear her Mother and her Grandmother talking to her. She is thrilled to know that anyone reads her words and finds them interesting. Oh, she is 82 now and makes her home in Aiken, S.C.